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About Group

The IPOPEMA Group consists of companies from the financial and consulting sectors. The Group consists of: IPOPEMA Securities, offering brokerage, investment banking and equity research services, IPOPEMA Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych, focusing on creating and managing closed-ended investment funds, as well as offering asset management services and IPOPEMA Business Consulting - providing services in the area of business and IT consulting.

Since March 2010, IPOPEMA Securities provides brokerage services on the Budapest Stock Exchange (BSE), and since November 2011 it is present as a broker on the Prague Stock Exchange (PSE). Since June 2014 it is a member of the Bucharest Stock Exchange. IPOPEMA Securities also has one of the best teams in Poland dealing with investment banking and an award-winning Analytical Department which performs analyses of 70 WSE and BSE companies on an ongoing basis.

IPOPEMA Towarzystwa Funduszy Inwestycyjnych specializes in creating solutions tailored to Investors' individual needs and expectations as well as in creating funds with an alternative investment policy dedicated to selected investors. The offer of IPOPEMA TFI is targeted at affluent natural persons and institutions searching for alternatives for the existing asset management market. The company also offers services in managing portfolios of financial instruments, consisting of active investing of the client's funds.The activities of IPOPEMA TFI are based on precise adjustment of the investment strategy.

IPOPEMA Business Consulting provides specialist services in the area of operational consulting as well as in implementations of information systems. Our consultants' expert knowledge and experience allow optimal introduction of comprehensive changes including all stages of the transformation: from the stage of strategic analysis to the stabilization of the implemented solution and identification of all main design aspects: process, organizational, human, technological aspects as well as transition period and change management.

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